Меня зовут Лусине. Я окончила гуманитарный университет, факультет международной экономики. Работала в сфере туризма и...
Я дипломированный специалист. После окончания университета 5 лет работала в международных проектах Азиатского банка развития...
I am a former private security specialist, and I also spent some time working in...
Английский язык – моя школьная любовь. С момента как я поняла насколько он важен...
Лингвист, окончила университет по специализации "Перевод и переводоведение" и "Теория и методика преподавания иностранных языков...
I have been teaching English as a Second Language for 8 years to all age...
I matriculated from high school and went on to study for only one year for...
I finished two University Degrees-Law and Accounting at Saint Louis University. I'm TEFL/TESOL Certified with...

I am Sannah.
I am a TEFL certified teacher with a BA Degree in Marketing...
Educated to Grammar school, College, Further education and life experience, I have been teaching English...
In 2017 I did a 150 hour Master Tesol course and passed with distinction. I...
Меня зовут Сабина. Дипломированный преподаватель, филолог. Более 20 лет я преподаю английский язык очно...
My name is Patricia. I have a BA in French, although my first language is...
I studied Law at The University of Pretoria. Then I embarked on a career in...
My name is Jessica Hudson, but everyone calls me Jess or Jessie. I have...
I'm James. I am from New York, U.S.A, I've been teaching students from around the...
-Over 18 months teaching with Skyeng.
-Experience with a variety of students: Highschool pupils, IT...
My name is Louise and I've been teaching English since 2012. I have helped many...
I’m a lifelong learner with two degrees, countless certificates, and a burning passion for teaching!...
As a British ESL teacher with 8+ years of international experience, I bring more than...