Меня зовут Дина. Я окончила университет по специальности «переводчик английского языка» и имею степень бакалавра....
My name is Vis, and I am from the UK. I have a diploma in...
Айпери – дипломированный лингвист-переводчик, окончила Международный университет Кыргызстана, Институт иностранных языков по специальности «переводчик»....
I am passionate about languages, and I love sharing my passion for the English language...
I am a native English speaker. I have worked for almost 3 years as an...
Hi everyone ,
My name is Hannah, I'm 36 years old and from the UK....
Английский — язык настоящего и будущего! Мне всегда нравился процесс обучения, общение с людьми...
My name is Chris, I´m from the British Isles and have many years experience teaching...

Hello, I am Goran! My major is psychology and I love connecting with people all...
Дипломированный специалист, карьеру преподавателя английского языка начала в педагогическом институте. Долгое время трудилась в банковском...
My name is Wayne Zammit, I am a qualified TEFL teacher with a valid teaching...
Hello there!
My name is Slavoljub Zdravkov, but everybody calls me Slavo. I am an English...
My name is Zane and I am from Johannesburg, South Africa. I did not...
I am a traveller with an adventurous spirit and I always try to be a...
I'm Ian Springham, a British English teacher with over 10 years of experience helping students...
I'm thrilled to introduce myself as your new English teacher. My name is Shilla, and...
Good day and welcome to SkyEng, my name is Stacey Adendorff. I hope I will...
My name is Natalija, I am from Serbia, although I currently live in Spain....
I am a mixed national with citizenship in both the United Kingdom and the Philippines....
I started teaching English because, at first, I liked to communicate with people and I...