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Hi there :) My name is Jeannine and I was born and bred in the magnificent country found at the tip of Africa - namely South Africa. I have however been very fortunate to have travelled extensively thoughout Europe, even spending 7 years in The Netherlands and 4 years in the USA. I have also been a language student, having studied French / Dutch / Afrikaans and now Italian, so I truly understand the position of my students and I can empathise with the complexities of language learning. I love teaching English and have learnt so much from my students about life in other countries - I am a super relaxed teacher and always try to make my students feel at ease in the classroom. My classroom is a place of calmness, laughter and learning.
Закончила педагогический университет по специальности «Английский и китайский языки». Проходила стажировку в Тяньцзиньском университете иностранных...
Меня зовут Анастасия. Изучение иностранных языков необходимо в наши дни. Английский — это язык международного...