Modal window id: repetitors-catalog-banner-popup
1 | banner-popap-tutors-quest-comm | Попап «Подбор репетитора» для продуктовых страниц |
2 | banner-popap-newyear25-comm | Новый год 2025 |
I'm passionate about adult education and have an unwavering dedication to assisting student in attaining their language goals. If you are taking the next step in your career or in any other sphere in your life and you need to brush up on your English and improve your confidence then you've come to the right place. Whatever your needs are we'll be able to address them here.
С пяти лет переменно жил в Великобритании. В 2023 получил уровень C1, clfd IELTS academic....
In 2019, I received the Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from the...
Моя специальность - история. Три года занималась с носителем английского. Курсантка летней языковой школы ILAC...