Меня зовут Дина. Я окончила университет по специальности «переводчик английского языка» и имею степень бакалавра....
I am passionate about teaching English. I have an Honours degree as well as at...
Good day and welcome to SkyEng, my name is Stacey Adendorff. I hope I will...
My name is Benjamin, but you can call me Ben, I am from the United...
My name is Vis, and I am from the UK. I have a diploma in...
🚀Unlock YourFull Potential in Professional Communication🚀
Are you tired of feeling hesitant and unsure in important...
I'm thrilled to introduce myself as your new English teacher. My name is Shilla, and...
My name is Charles. I got my Bachelors’ and Masters’ degrees in English from Binghamton...

My name is Natalija, I am from Serbia, although I currently live in Spain....
I am passionate about languages, and I love sharing my passion for the English language...
I hold a degree in education from the Cape Peninsula University of Technology, a TEFL...
My name is Mariano Alfonso and I'm 31 years old. I'm from Buenos Aires, Argentina....
I graduated with honors from the University of Florida with a bachelor’s degree in geography...
Меня зовут Полина. Я окончила университет по специальности «учитель английского и французского языков», также изучала...
I am a native English speaker. I have worked for almost 3 years as an...
In 2019, I received the Certificate in Teaching English as a Foreign Language from the...
My name is Lucas, I am Brazilian and I live in Russia. I have been...