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I have a Bachelor of Science degree, specializing in Interpersonal Communication and Behavioral Psychology. My career background generally was in upper level to executive management positions for various types of organizations, including retail, golf and web development. Volunteering as an educator’s assistant for over 20 years, I believe has provided me the knowledge to move forward in teaching a second language.
Camping, backpacking, and hiking, just being outdoors in any season has always given me great joy and peace. Now being in Vietnam I urban hike, which is walking around the city and experiencing everything it has. My other interests include, reading, dancing and all types of music.
I am a patient, relaxed and my friends say hilarious individual who simply gets great pleasure in helping and sharing life with all types of people, from all over the world.
Еще со школы мне было очень интересно изучать иностранные языки, и моя любовь к...
Международник, маркетолог, переводчик. Выпускник МГИМО (2023), стажировка в Дипломатической Академии Вьетнама. 3 года работы в...
Преподавать английский язык — то, к чему я стремилась всю жизнь. Любимой игрой в...