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I taught English in the United States at a language school that helped new immigrants prepare to take their citizenship test and to prepare them for job interviews. I taught them how to set up a bank account and other tasks when starting over in another country. I have been a private tutor for the past 12 years.
In my free time I like caring for plants, reading books and listening to music. I enjoy eating out with my friends and taking photos of the sunrise. I love swimming, horseriding and playing the guitar.
I see every new day as another opportunity to learn, to advance. I want to provide lessons that meet your needs, that are both interesting and fun.
"Меня зовут Варвара, я приветствую тебя на уникальной языковой платформе Skyeng!
После окончания...
Меня зовут Мария. С английским языком мы дружим вот уже 9 лет. Все началось...
Я преподаю английский язык уже 5 лет, работала с учениками разного возраста. Мой опыт включает...