Меня зовут Татьяна. Я окончила университет по специальности «лингвист», благодаря этому знаю еще и китайский...
Hello, My name is Kelly and I am a native English speaker from a beautiful...
My name is Vis, and I am from the UK. I have a diploma in...
My name is Chris, I´m from the British Isles and have many years experience teaching...
My name is Wayne Zammit, I am a qualified TEFL teacher with a valid teaching...
I'm thrilled to introduce myself as your new English teacher. My name is Shilla, and...
Good day and welcome to SkyEng, my name is Stacey Adendorff. I hope I will...
I started teaching English because, at first, I liked to communicate with people and I...

I am a CELTA certified English teacher with over 10 years of experience teaching online....
I have been working as an English teacher online for 3 years now. I teach...
Hello! I’m Hannie du Plessis. I have a diploma in photography, a TEFL certificate, and...
I first started teaching English and Drama in Indonesia. There my students were school age...
I am 28 year old female living in the beautiful coastal city of Durban, South...
At the core of my teaching methodology lies the communicative approach, a proven catalyst for...
My name is Marceline Gamu Mugaba. I am a 36 year old entrepreneur who...
My name is Jessica Hudson, but everyone calls me Jess or Jessie. I have...
A certified teacher and TEFL tutor with a Master's degree in English. I have...
My name is Monica Astrauskas, I'm from USA and now I live in Colombia.
...Hi, my name’s Mark and I have been teaching English as a foreign language for...
My name is Noxy Mdunge I am a lawyer who became an Attorney in a...