Меня зовут Татьяна. Я окончила университет по специальности «лингвист», благодаря этому знаю еще и китайский...
Меня зовут Ирина. Я окончила факультет лингвистики по специальности «иностранный язык». Учителем английского языка я...
Hi! I`m glad to see you here! Меня зовут Ирина. Я преподаю английский более 4...
Hi everyone ,
My name is Hannah, I'm 36 years old and from the UK....
I'm thrilled to introduce myself as your new English teacher. My name is Shilla, and...
Good day and welcome to SkyEng, my name is Stacey Adendorff. I hope I will...
I started teaching English because, at first, I liked to communicate with people and I...
My name is Marceline Gamu Mugaba. I am a 36 year old entrepreneur who...

My name is Monica Astrauskas, I'm from USA and now I live in Colombia.
...Hi, my name’s Mark and I have been teaching English as a foreign language for...
My name is Noxy Mdunge I am a lawyer who became an Attorney in a...
From Cape Town, South Africa. I finished school and decided that I wanted to do...
Hello. My name is Melanie. I also go by the nickname Mel. I am from...
My name is Charley and I'm from the United Kingdom. I have a TEFL/TESOL qualification....
I am a native English speaker from Cape Town, South Africa. I have been working...
I live in the beautiful town of Hermanus, on the southern coast of South Africa....
I love people! I have a Degree in Social Science, specializing in Psychology and Industrial...
Are you ready and motivated to start your journey? With over 5 years of experience,...
Саида, дипломированный социолог, окончила Международный университет гуманитарных наук и развития.
Имею опыт зарубежных стажировок, была...
Hi there! Here is a little about me…
My name is Nicole Shivani, I’ve lived in...