My name is Prayer Nel . You can call me Nel. I was born and...
I am currently doing my teaching degree and have been teaching online to Chinese learners...
Меня зовут Полина. Я окончила университет по специальности «учитель английского и французского языков», также изучала...
I'm Denyse Laing. I have a bachelor's degree in teaching, as well as a TEFL...
Why should you pick me?
• Exp in various industries (corporate, sales,
recruitment, entrepreneurship, education,...
I am a CELTA-qualified teacher with advanced certification in teaching English to young learners, business...
Hi everyone ,
My name is Hannah, I'm 36 years old and from the UK....
Hello, my name is Tracey. I was born and educated in England, United Kingdom. I...
Hello! My name is Cat and I'm a native English speaker. I was born in...
Я диплoмированный препoдавaтель английcкoгo языкa c опытом работы в высших учебных заведениях и крупных онлайн...
Each student has very different needs. So I like to take the time to really...
I started teaching English because, at first, I liked to communicate with people and I...
Hi. My name is Winchell you can call me teacher Winchell, I’m 29 years old...
I graduated with honors from the University of Florida with a bachelor’s degree in geography...
I have a Hotel Management Diploma, a Bachelor’s degree in social work, soon to complete...
I have been teaching for twenty-three years in various school settings, including the British, American,...
My name is Marie-Louise, though people call me ML for short. I studied LLB...
My name is Tracie and I’m British, but currently living in Bulgaria. I have...
Меня зовут Дарья. Я являюсь дипломированным преподавателем и филологом-германистом (бакалавр/магистр, оба диплома с отличием), а...