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Времена в английском языке

Времена в английском языке

Времена глаголов в английском языке — одна из самых непростых тем. В русской грамматике мы различаем лишь три времени: прошедшее, настоящее и будущее, в то время как в английской их насчитывается аж двенадцать. Давайте разбираться, что к чему.

Начнем сразу с практики — посмотрите на это предложение: 

  • Я только что поиграл в теннис. 

Кажется, что ничего сложного. «Поиграл» — это глагол в прошедшем времени, и думать не надо. Однако чтобы выразить точно такую же мысль в английском предложении, нужно сказать:

  • I have just played tennis.

«Have played» — это глагол в настоящем совершенном времени, и для его образования требуется вспомогательный глагол have.

К слову, для иностранца образование настоящего совершенного времени в русском языке тоже не покажется легкой задачей. Чтобы создать глагол совершенного вида, ему нужно не только употребить несовершенный глагол «играть» в прошедшем времени, но еще и добавить нужную приставку (коих в нашем языке насчитывается аж 70). Так что времена в английском языке для чайников — это еще не самое сложное.

Таблица английских времен с примерами

Мы собрали все 12 времен английского языка в одной табличке, которую можно использовать в качестве шпаргалки.








Perfect Continuous


Настоящее Present

действие совершается постоянно

I talk to John еvеrу dау.

Я разговариваю с Джоном каждый день.

действие совершается сейчас

I аm talking to John now.

Я разговариваю с Джоном


действие совершилось

I have talked to John.

Я поговорил с Джоном.

начатое действие продолжается

I have been talking
to John for two
hours/since 5 о'clock

Я разговариваю с Джоном
на протяжении двух
часов/с 5 часов.

Прошедшее Past

Действие совершалось/совершилось

I talked to John

Я разговаривал/поговорил с Джоном вчера.

действие совершалось
(точное время/действие)

I was talking to John
yesterday at 5/when
you called mе.

Я разговаривал с Джоном
вчера, в 5/когда ты позвонил

действие совершилось
ранее другого действия

I had talked to John
bу the time уou

Я поговорил с Джоном к
тому времени, как ты

начатое действие продолжалось
до (время/действие)

I had been taIking to John
for two hours by the time
уou саmе/by 5 о'cIock.

Я разговаривал с Джоном на
протяжении двух часов, к тому
времени. как ты пришел/к 5 часам.

Будущее Future

действие совершится

I will talk to John

Я поговорю с Джоном завтра.

действие будет совершаться
(точное время/действие)

I will be talking to
John tomorrow at
5/when you call me.

Я буду разговаривать

с Джоном завтра, в 5/когда ты позвонишь мне.

действие совершится ранее другого действия

I will have talked to John bу the time уou

Я поговорю с Джоном к тому времени, как ты придешь.

начатое действие будет
продолжаться до (время/действие)

I will have bеen taIking to John
for two hours bу the time уou соmе/by 5 о'cIock.

Я буду разговаривать с Джоном
на протяжении двух часов, к тому
времени, как ты придешь/к 5 часам.

Как образуются времена в английском языке

Чтобы разобраться в том, сколько времен в английском языке, разделим их на три главных времени: прошлое, настоящее и будущее. Каждое из них подразделяется еще на четыре подгруппы: 

  • простое (Simple), 
  • продолжительное (Continuous), 
  • совершенное (Perfect), 
  • совершенное продолжительное (Perfect Continuous).

Итого получаем 12 времен английского языка. Давайте подробно рассмотрим правила образования каждой группы.

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Образование времен группы Simple

Здесь всё действительно очень просто. С этой группы обычно начинают объяснять времена в английском языке для чайников.

Используйте простое настоящее время Present Simple, когда говорите о действии, которое происходит всегда или когда говорите о каких-то фактах, которые остаются верными всегда (типа Земля вращается вокруг Солнца).

Форма образования: V1

Маркерами простого времени в грамматике английского языка будут такие слова как: always (всегда); usually (обычно); never (никогда); sometimes (иногда); rarely (нечасто); seldom (редко); regularly (регулярно); every day (каждый день); often (часто).

Слова-маркеры презент симпл

маркеры Present Simple

  • I do not drink tea. – Я не пью чай (вообще, никогда)
  • I brush my teeth every day. – Каждый день я чищу зубы.

Используйте простое прошедшее время Past Simple, когда вы говорите о действии, которое случилось в прошлом и вам точно известно, когда именно оно произошло. Узнать это время легко по словам yesterday (вчера); last week (на прошлой неделе); the day before yesterday (позавчера) и по конкретным датам in 2009 (в 2009 году).

маркеры Past Simple

Форма образования: V2 (-ed)

  • I worked as a policeman two years ago. – Я работал полицейским два года назад.
  • I went shopping yesterday. – Я вчера ходил по магазинам.

Используйте простое будущее время Future Simple, когда вы говорите о действии, которое произойдет в будущем. Это время часто употребляется со словом tomorrow (завтра) и указанием дат: next time (в следующий раз), in five years (через пять лет), in 2021 (в 2021 году).

маркеры Future Simple

Форма образования: will + V1

  • I will become a better person. – Я стану лучше.
  • I will start a new job tomorrow. – Я начинаю/выхожу на новую работу завтра.

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Образование времен группы Continuous

Теперь приступим к продолжительному времени или, как его еще называют, прогрессивному. В самом названии заключена суть: действие еще не закончилось, оно находится в процессе. 

Для образования этой формы глагола используется вспомогательный глагол to be. Этот глагол будет изменяться в предложении, в зависимости от лица и числа. Кроме того, смысловой глагол употребляется с окончанием -ing.

Present Continuous. Форма образования: to be + Ving.

Для местоимения первого лица I (я), выбирайте форму am, для местоимения второго лица You (ты) — are, для местоимений третьего лица единственного числа He, she, it (он, она, оно) выбирайте is, а для множественного They (они) — are


Форма глагола to be





He, She, It




Маркерами этого времени в грамматике английского языка являются обстоятельства: all the time (всё время), always (всегда), constantly (постоянно).

  • Maria is talking on the phone now. – Мария сейчас разговаривает по телефону (она в процессе звонка).

Past Continuous образуют путем использования прошедшей формы глагола to be (was/were) и добавления окончания -ing к смысловому глаголу.

Форма образования: was/were + Ving.

  • I was dancing when you called. – Я танцевал (был в процессе танца), когда ты позвонила ( и прервала процесс).

Future Continuous является этакой темной лошадкой для русскоязычного студента английского языка, так как в русском языке оно не сильно отличается от простого будущего времени. 

Форма образования: will be + Ving.

Случаи употребления Future Continuous

  1. Указать процесс, который будет происходить сам по себе в будущем
  1. Показать действие, которое будет продолжаться, пока совершается другое действие
  1. Обозначить два или более действия, происходящие в будущем одновременно. 

Маркерами Future Continuous являются слова: at that moment (в этот момент), this time tomorrow (в это время завтра), while (пока), until (до).

  • My dad will be sleeping when you come. – Мой папа будет спать, когда ты придешь. 
  • While he will be sleeping, I will be cleaning the apartment. – Пока он будет спать, я буду убирать квартиру.

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После неё, ты никогда не запутаешься во временах!

Образование времен группы Perfect

Это время часто является камнем преткновения у многих, изучающий английский язык.

Времена, относящиеся к группе Perfect, используются для обозначения действий, которые уже завершились к какому-то периоду времени.

Для образования совершенного времени используется вспомогательный глагол to have и третья форма смыслового глагола. Если глагол правильный, к нему добавляют частицу –ed. Если глагол неправильный — придется его запомнить по специальной таблице неправильных глаголов.

Present Perfect. Наречия never (никогда), yet (ещё) и already (уже) используются как маркеры совершенного настоящего времени:

Форма образования: have/has + V3 (-ed)

  • I have already eaten lunch. – Я уже поела ланч.

Past Perfect используется когда действие завершилось до какого-то определенного момента в прошлом. Это время вы можете узнать по словам: before (до) и различным комбинациям с союзом by: by that time (к тому времени), by August (к августу).

Форма образования: had + V3 (-ed)

  • She had driven back home before they woke up. – Она доехала домой до того, как они проснулись. 

Future Perfect используется, когда необходимо указать, что действие завершится к какому-то определенному моменту в будущем:

  • I will have finished my essay by tomorrow. – Я завершу своё эссе к завтрашнему дню.

Образование времен группы Perfect Continuous

И, наконец-то, мы подошли к последней группе из 12 времен английского языка. Совершенное продолжительное время используется для обозначения продолжительности действия. Маркерами этого времени в грамматике английского языка являются слова for (в течение) и since ( с тех пор).

Present Perfect Continuous описывает действие, которое началось в прошлом и все еще продолжается:

Форма образования: have/has been + Ving

  • Mary has been singing since early morning. – Мэри поёт с раннего утра (все еще поет, не закончила).

Past Perfect Continuous описывает действие, которое началось и продолжалось какое-то время в прошлом:

Форма образования: had been + Ving

  • I had been waiting my turn at the post office for two hours when Chelsea called me. – Я ждала своей очереди на почте уже как два часа, когда Челси мне позвонила.

Future Perfect Continuous используется для описания действия, которое началось и продолжалось в течение некоторого времени до определенного момента в будущем:

Форма образования: will/shall + have been + Ving

  • She will have been writing a poem for three hours by the time I come home. – Она будет писать стихотворение уже как три часа к тому моменту, когда я приду домой.

Как быстрее выучить времена в английском языке

Как быстрее выучить времена в английском языке

Есть несколько секретов, как запомнить основные времена в английском языке для чайников.

На начальном этапе палочкой-выручалочкой вам будут служить слова-маркеры: already (уже), always (всегда), constantly (постоянно) и другие. Обращайте на них внимание: они помогут вам правильно построить предложение и понять, как различать времена в грамматике английского языка.

Другим помощником будет окончание –ing у смыслового глагола, которое со стопроцентной вероятностью укажет вам на то, что используется вариант продолжительного времени. Will поможет вам опознать будущее время, а вспомогательный глагол have — совершенное. 

Но самое главное — это, конечно, практика. Тренируйтесь употреблять глагольные формы в речи — только так вы научитесь использовать нужное из 12 времен английского языка в предложении.

Тест по теме «Времена английского языка»

Выберите верные варианты ответов (Choose the correct options) Present Tenses

1. Present Simple:

main verb (for he/she/it: main verb + s).

We use the Present Simple:

1) For daily routines: Sam leaves for work at 7 a.m.

2) For habits and repeated actions: Joe goes to the gym thrice a week.

3) For permanent states: Henry works for his uncle's company.

4) For facts, laws of nature and general truths: The sun rises in the east.

5) For timetables and programmes (future meaning): The course starts in September.

6) For reviews / sports commentaries / narrative: Johnson passes to Miles, Miles shoots... It's a goal!

7) For exclamatory sentences: Here comes the boss!

Time expressions used with the Present Simple: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never, every day/week/month/year/Monday, in the morning/afternoon/evening, once/twice/thrice a day/week/month/year, etc.

2. Present Continuous:

am/is/are + -ing form.

We use the Future Continuous:

1) For actions happening at the moment of speaking: Sue is talking on the phone now.

2) For actions happening around the time of speaking or temporary situations: I'm staying with my grandma at the moment.

3) For fixed arrangements in the near future: I'm meeting Mary at 6 p.m. on Monday.

4) For developing or changing situations: The prices are going up.

5) For frequently repeated actions to express annoyance or criticism: He's always losing his keys.

Time expressions used with the Present Continuous: now, at the moment, at present, this week, these days, still, etc.

Stative verbs do not usually have a continuous form: like, love, hate, want, know, understand, think, believe, have (possess), etc.

3. Present Perfect:

have/has + past participle.

We use the Present Perfect:

1) For recently completed actions focusing on the result in the present: I have washed my car. It's clean now.

2) For actions that happened at an unstated time in the past. It is not important when exactly the action happened: I've seen John recently.

3) For actions or states that began in the past and are not finished yet: Lily has worked in this cafe for 10 years.

4) For actions that happened at an unfinished period of time: I have drunk three cups of coffee this morning (it is still morning).

5) For personal experiences: That's the fastest train I have ever travelled by.

Time expressions used with the Present Perfect: already, before, yet, just, ever, never, for, since, this week, this year, today, etc.

4. Present Perfect Continuous:

have/has been + -ing form.

We use the Present Perfect Continuous:

1) For an action that started in the past and continues up to the present if we are interested in the duration of the action: I've been working on this project since Monday.

2) For an action that has recently stopped and is connected with the present: It has been snowing all night. Everything's covered in snow.

3) For actions repeated over a period of time: Linda has been working overtime a lot recently.

4) To show that we are angry or annoyed, or to express criticism: Someone has been looking through my documents!

I am painting a bird for my cousin. Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous .

I'm an artist. I make one or two paintings a month. Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous .

The students have been painting for two hours already. They need a break. Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous .

I have finished three of four paintings for my art exam. Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous .

The image 1 is a derivative of "Happy little child painting on canvas with oil paint on white" and the image 3 is a derivative of "Group of male and female adult students in aprons painting together on easels in art class" by LightFieldStudios on Envato Elements. The image 2 is a derivative of "Fine art painter working on large painting in art studio. Modern artwork paint on canvas, creative, contemporary and successful fine art artist drawing masterpiece" by DC_Studio on Envato Elements. The image 4 is a derivative of "Young artist painting" by AnnaStills on Envato Elements.
Подберите пример к каждому правилу (Match the rules with the examples) Present Tenses

1. Present Simple

main verb ( for he/she/it: main verb + s)

We use the present simple

1.1. For daily routines: Sam leaves for work at 7 a.m.

1.2. For habits and repeated actions: Joe goes to the gym thrice a week.

1.3. For permanent states: Henry works for his uncle's company.

1.4. For facts, laws of nature and general truths: The sun rises in the east.

1.5. For timetables and programmes (future meaning): The course starts in September.

1.6. For reviews/sports commentaries/narrative: Johnson passes to Miles, Miles shoots... It's a goal!

1.7. For exclamatory sentences: Here comes the boss!

Time expressions used with the Present Simple: always, usually, often, sometimes, rarely, never, every day/week/month/year/Monday, in the morning/afternoon/evening, once/twice/thrice a day/week/month/year, etc.

2. Present Continuous

am/is/are + -ing form

We use the Future Continuous

2.1. For actions happening at the moment of speaking: Sue is talking on the phone now.

2.2. For actions happening around the time of speaking or temporary situations: I'm staying with my grandma at the moment.

2.3. For fixed arrangements in the near future: I'm meeting Mary at 6 p.m. on Monday.

2.4. For developing or changing situations: The prices are going up.

2.5. For frequently repeated actions to express annoyance or criticism: He's always losing his keys.

Time expressions used with the present continuous: now, at the moment, at present, this week, these days, still, etc.

Stative verbs do not usually have a continuous form: like, love, hate, want, know, understand, think, believe, have (possess), etc.

3. Present Perfect

have/has + past participle

We use the present perfect

3.1. For recently completed actions focusing on the result in the present: I have washed my car. It's clean now.

3.2. For actions that happened at an unstated time in the past. It is not important when exactly the action happened: I've seen John recently.

3.3. For actions or states that began in the past and are not finished yet: Lily has worked in this cafe for 10 years.

3.4. For actions that happened at an unfinished period of time: I have drunk three cups of coffee this morning (it is still morning).

3.5. For personal experiences: That's the fastest train I have ever travelled by.

Time expressions used with the present perfect: already, before, yet, just, ever, never, for, since, this week, this year, today, etc.

4. Present Perfect Continuous:

have/has been + -ing form

We use the Present Perfect Continuous:

4.1. For an action that started in the past and continues up to the present if we are interested in the duration of the action: I've been working on this project since Monday.

4.2. For an action that has recently stopped and is connected with the present: It has been snowing all night. Everything's covered in snow.

4.3. For actions repeated over a period of time: Linda has been working overtime a lot recently.

4.4. To show that we are angry or annoyed, or to express criticism: Someone has been looking through my documents!

A. We use the Present Simple for general truths and facts.

B. We use the Present Continuous for actions which are happening at the moment of speaking.

C. We use the Present Perfect for experiences.

D. We use the Present Continuous for temporary states.

E. We use the Present Perfect Continuous for an activity which began in the past and is still continuing.

F. We use the Present Simple for timetables.

G. We use the Present Perfect for past actions which have obvious results in the present.

  1. This bookshop opens at 10 a.m. A B C D E F G
  2. Joan has been writing her essay for more than two hours already. A B C D E F G
  3. Water boils at 100 degrees Celsius. A B C D E F G
  4. Hey! What are you looking at? A B C D E F G
  5. Your package hasn't arrived yet. A B C D E F G
  6. I've never travelled abroad by train. A B C D E F G
  7. I'm living in my parents' house now. They need my help with the renovation of the first floor. A B C D E F G
Заполните пропуски (Fill in the gaps)
  1. My sister doesn't drinkdoes not drink milkshakes—she is lactose intolerant.
  2. Lana has been packing's been packing her bags since the early morning and she is still not ready.
  3. Josh is busy. He is watering's watering the flowers in the backyard.
  4. Mike has finished's finished polishing his car. He's ready to go now.
  5. It usually takes more than eight hours to get from Moscow to Seoul by plane.
  6. Tess has been to Sydney only once yet.
  7. Billy is preparing's preparing for exams this week. He won't join us.
  8. I never work in September—I always take a holiday and travel.
  9. I have never tasted've never tasted the famous Chinese century egg. I think it's disgusting.
Отметьте правильные варианты (Choose the correct options)

To talk about the future we can use:

Present Simple Present Continuous Present Perfect Present Perfect Continuous be going to be gone to will may/might be to/be about to be used to
Выберите правильные варианты
(Choose the correct options to talk about the future)
  1. Bella works is working will work in Paris next month. Usually she works in London.
  2. Bob passes is about to pass is going to pass his exams well if he does his best.
  3. Hurry up, John! The bus will leave is about to leave leaves !
  4. Megan, let's go! The shop will close is about to close closes in 15 minutes!
  5. Wait a minute, Mum! I am to help will help am helping you with these bags!
Соберите предложения из двух частей
(Match two parts of the sentences)
SW4gTWFyY2gsIHdlIHdpbGwgaGF2ZSBiZWVuIGxpdmluZw== aW4gQm9zdG9uIGZvciBzZXZlbiB5ZWFycy4= UGFtIHdpbGwgaGF2ZSBxdWl0 YnkgdGhlIGVuZCBvZiB0aGUgbW9udGgu U2hlIHdpbGwgYmUgZmx5aW5nIHRvIE1lbGJvdXJuZQ== dGhpcyB0aW1lIG5leHQgd2Vlay4= SGUgd2lsbCBzdGF5IGF0IGhvbWU= dW50aWwgbXVtIGNvbWVzIGJhY2su SSdtIHN1cmUgSSB3aWxsIGhhdmUgZ290IHRvIHRoZSBidXMgc3RvcA== YnkgNCBvJ2Nsb2NrLg== SSB3aWxsIG5ldmVyIHRhbGs= IHRvIGhpbSBhZ2Fpbi4=
Выберите подходящую грамматическую форму на месте каждого пропуска
(Choose the correct grammar form for each gap)

In our country, Middle East cuisine is rather popular. Armenian, Georgian, Azerbaijani and Turkish dishes and their local variations are always always be have always become have always been a part of our diet. They are tasty, nutritious and made of common accessible products.

Nevertheless, today you can watch another trend. East Asian food grows is growing is grown will grow in popularity all over the world including our own country. In big cities, you can find a large number of cafes and restaurants specialising in Chinese, Japanese and Korean cuisine. There's a vast choice of Asian food delivery services too. The dishes that were once considered unusual and exotic become becoming have become will become a part of our daily life. Although the younger generation always tends is tending has tended will tend to adopt new practices and cultures faster, older people also don't mind try to try trying are trying new tastes.

Перетащите слова в пропуски
(Put the elements into the gaps)
happenedwas sleepinghad finishedhad been sleepinghad happenedwas eatingatewrotelefthad ever eatenhas happenedfinishedwas leavinghad written
  1. The accident two hours ago.
  2. When I entered the room, my sister peacefully on the sofa.
  3. By the time you woke up, I all of my housework.
  4. The boy for half an hour when his father came home.
  5. She didn't know what and was very confused.
  6. I my breakfast when you suddenly called me.
  7. I the dinner, a note for my mum and .
  8. She asked me if I insects.
Вычеркните лишние слова (Cross the wrong one out)
  1. Last Monday I have received an unexpected letter from my old penfriend.
  2. We used to be spend our summer holidays at the seaside.
  3. I had just finished packing bags when Jimmy had came.
  4. Margarette was looking at Jill and been thinking what to say.
  5. He had put his keys onto the desk, smiled at her and left the room.
  6. The doorbell was ringing for several minutes, but no one had opened.
  7. She was had been looking for him for years and always believed he was alive.
Прочитайте текст и восстановите пропущенные слова
(Read the text.
Recreate the words)

Bella is 30 and she is pregnant. She is a successful and happy woman, but it was not always so. 10 years ago she graduated from university with a diploma in teaching and lots of hopes and dreams. By the time she graduated, she had been studyinghad studied Japanese and English languages for many years and spoke them fluently. She decided to move to Japan and take her chances there. Bella found a good job immediately upon arrival. The company was small, and Bella was the only foreigner among the staff. Later she found out that her nationality was the only reason why she had been employed . At that moment, it was a new trend to have an international team. Bella felt like she didn't fitdid not fit in. Her colleagues were hinting all the time that she was a stranger there and no one cared about her opinion. Despite her habit to look at the bright side of everything, Bella soon got depressed and was on the point of giving up. To top it all, she felt very lonely. All of her close friends were far from her, and she couldn't make new ones in Japan. Nevertheless, she decided to make another attempt. She quit her job and found a place in a big international company. Soon after that, she met her future husband. Step by step she was progressing to new career levels and getting one promotion after another. What concerns her private life, her relationships worked out well. Bella and her husband are both foreigners in Japan and they had to do their best to earn enough to buy a flat there. At this moment, they are finishing the refurbishment of  the room for their coming child. They hope everything will get even better. This time next year the three of them will be enjoying their summer holidays by the sea in Okinawa.

Выберите подходящую глагольную форму (Choose the correct forms of the verbs)

Mrs Kaplan is an old lady who has lived lived is living lives in a small cottage in a village in the country outside Brighton. She is a widow.

She is an intelligent woman who is knowing knows has known knew many famous English people. She has taught has been teaching taught teaches French at a girls' boarding school for many years and was very respected. She has had have had has no children, but her former students visited have visited has been visiting visit her every holiday. Mrs Kaplan hasn't been teaching hasn't taught doesn't' teach don't teach for many years, but she is still in love with the French language. Every time when her lovely girls come to see her she is telling tells told has been telling them about France and French folklore. They love her amazing stories!

The image is a derivative of "Elderly woman" by Pressmaster on Envato Elements.
Вычеркните лишнее слово в каждом предложении
(Cross out one incorrect word in each line)
  1. Have you already been read "Crime and Punishment"?
  2. My parents always does buy some crisps for evening movies.
  3. Can you hear our neighbours? What are they been talking about?
  4. She started to prepare a week ago. She has been to studying for all this time.
  5. What are you have doing? We'll be late!
  6. How long do have you been working with your dad? For four years.
  7. I must go now. It's getting to late.
  8. Has she already presented her new book yet?
  9. My parents have been cutting the grass for since two hours. I hope they will finish soon.
  10. They are always arguing! It's not so annoying.
Поставьте глаголы в правильную форму
(Put the verbs in the correct forms)
  1. Alison loves travelling. She is travelling around Asia at the moment. She started her trip two months ago.

    She has been travelling for two months.She has been traveling for two months.She's been travelling for two months.She's been traveling for two months.

    She has visited four countries so far.She's visited four countries so far.

  2. Thomas is a football player. He began playing football when he was seven years old. This year he is a national league champion again—for the second time.

    He has won the national championship for two times.He's won the national championship for two times.

    He has been playing football since he was seven.He's been playing football since he was seven.

  3. When they left school, Anna and Mary started writing a book together. They are still writing books for children.

    They have already written three books.They've already written three books.

    They have been writing books since they left school.They've been writing books since they left school.

  4. Emily started reading a schoolbook four hours ago. She is still reading now.

    She has been reading for four hours.She's been reading for four hours.

    She has already read 132 pages.She's already read 132 pages.

Выберите верные варианты
(Choose the correct options)
  1. The train leaves is leaving will leave at 12 o'clock.
  2. Sarah and Jorge will have are going to have have lunch in the best city restaurant tomorrow.
  3. The news says it is going to snow will snow snows in the Alps tomorrow morning.
  4. On Friday at 10 o'clock I will meet am meeting is going to meet my granny at the station.
  5. Probably, Kate will bring is going to bring brings her little sister to this party.
  6. Jack and Jill are going to see will see are seeing their classmates in April.
  7. On Friday the English class will start is going to start starts at half past ten.
Выберите верные варианты (Choose the correct options)

Sarah: Hi, Ben! What are do will you do doing does today?

Ben: I am seeing will see see my new boss at 5 o'clock in the evening. What about you?

Sarah: I am going to am visiting visit my granny today. She doesn't feel well. I need to buy some products and pills for her. I'm glad to hear that you are seeing your boss. Do Are Will you have having had a job interview?

Ben: Yeah. Please, wish me good luck. This will is going to is my third interview this week.

Sarah: Oh, dear. I only wish you the best. Will you Are you going to Do you call me after the meeting?

Ben: Yeah, sure. I hope your grandmother will get gets is going to get well soon.

Sarah: Me too. Bye. I am waiting wait will be waiting for your call.



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