Divide the elements into the groups Strict parents First love Loneliness Overprotective parents Bad marks Bullying Strict teachers School rules Pimples Lack of money Mood swings Shyness Personal problems School problems
Read the problem situations and choose the meanings of the words or expressions in bold


A: Our neighbour's told me that you're missing classes!

B: That's a cap, mum! I haven't missed any!

Cap = lie truth .


A: Wow! That dress is a straight fire.

B: Yes, but my mum says it's too short and doesn't let me buy it!

Straight fire = awful amazing .


A: Why are you so moody today? Are you hangry?

B: Yes! I haven't eaten since morning because I overslept and had to hurry to school.

Hangry = hurry + angry hungry + angry .


A: Have you heard the latest tea about Jane?

B: She's dating Pete! No doubts, he'll break her heart!

Tea = gossip complain .


A: My parents want me to take up piano lessons!

B: But it's so basic! Guitar lessons are far more interesting!

Basic = original boring .


A: I see you don't get on really well with your brother.

B: Yeah, we are not very tight.

Tight = nice close .

Match the problems with their possible solutions b3ZlcnByb3RlY3RpdmUgcGFyZW50cw== ZmluZCBhIGNvbXByb21pc2U= bG9uZWxpbmVzcw== bWFrZSBmcmllbmRz YmFkIG1hcmtz c3R1ZHkgbW9yZQ== c2Nob29sIHJ1bGVz dHJ5IHRvIG9iZXkgdGhlbQ== YnVsbHlpbmc= aWdub3JlIHRoZSBidWxsaWVz bW9vZCBzd2luZ3M= Y29udHJvbCB5b3VyIGVtb3Rpb25z bGFjayBvZiBtb25leQ== dHJ5IHRvIGVhcm4gc29tZQ== cGltcGxlcw== dGFrZSBjYXJlIG9mIHRoZSBza2lu c2h5bmVzcw== YmVjb21lIG1vcmUgY29uZmlkZW50
Use the words to make solutions of the situations Haveyouthoughtoffindingacompromise

1. Your friend's parents are overprotective. They don't let him do anything without their permission. You advise your friend:



2. Your younger sister feels lonely and has nobody to talk to. You offer her:



3. Your brother is too shy. He is afraid to talk to his classmates or teachers. You say:


If Iwereyou,Iwouldcontrolmyemotions

4. Your son often has mood swings. You tell him:


It'sa goodideatotakecare ofyourskin

5. Your best friend has pimples on her face. You advise her:



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    Вероника, родитель
    Занимается Миша, 2 класс
    английский язык
    Делаем вместе с сыном бесплатные задания по английскому в Skysmart, это оказалось полезно не только для него, но и для меня. Например, вспомнила, как использовать артикли, — эта тема для меня всегда была сложноватой. Хотелось бы побольше заданий на аудирование, пока у сына этот навык хромает.
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    Стас, ученик
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    Я занимаюсь в Skysmart с 3‑го класса, и немного удивился, когда нашел раздел с бесплатными заданиями здесь. Они отличаются от тех, которые мы проходим на уроках, но тоже интерактивные. По-моему, на компьютере делать упражнения получается быстрее и интереснее, чем в тетрадке.
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    Катя, ученик
    7 класс
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    Наткнулась на этот сайт, когда готовилась к ВПР по английскому. Пассивный залог — моя больная тема, но бесплатные задания помогли вспомнить правила, а потом еще статью почитала, и работу написала в итоге хорошо.
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