Put the prepositions into the proper gaps oninnext tounderbehindin front of

The cat is the rock.

The puppy is bed.

The ball is the bat.

The turtle is water.

The fox is the bushes.

The people are the cafe.

Image 1, derived from the image by lightpoet on Envato Elements. Images 2, 4, derived from the images by twenty20photos on Envato Elements. Image 3, derived from the image by garloon on Envato Elements. Image 5, derived from the image by linux87 on Envato Elements. Image 6, derived from the image by astrakanimages on Envato Elements.
Choose the correct options

Look at the picture. Read the story and fill in the gaps with the correct prepositions.

I spend every Christmas in my grandma's house. She usually hangs a wreath on above in the wall above the fireplace. I like looking at the burning fire when it's cold outside. Can you see the Christmas stockings above on next to the fireplace? My stocking is red. Santa puts a present here. Look at the presents above between under the Christmas tree! These are presents for my granny, me and my mum. There is a red carpet in front of behind above the fireplace. My granny enjoys reading books in the red armchair above on next to the fireplace.

Image 1, derived from the image by Graphiqa on Envato Elements.
Look at the picture and match the questions with the answers

V2hlcmUgaXMgdGhlIGdsb2JlPw== SXQncyBvbiB0aGUgZGVzay4= V2hlcmUgaXMgdGhlIGxhbXA/ SXQncyBiZXR3ZWVuIHRoZSBjaGFpciBhbmQgdGhlIGRlc2su V2hlcmUgYXJlIHRoZSBib29rcz8= VGhleSdyZSBpbiB0aGUgYm9va2Nhc2Uu V2hlcmUgYXJlIHRoZSBwYWludGluZ3M/ VGhleSdyZSBvbiB0aGUgd2FsbC4= V2hlcmUgaXMgdGhlIGNoYWlyPw== SXQncyB1bmRlciB0aGUgZGVzay4= Image 1, derived from the image by graphic-templates on Envato Elements.
Divide the words into groups Home Work University College The bus stop The house A car A helicopter A boat A taxi A bus A plane A train A ship At In On
Choose the correct options
  1. The lamp is above behind below in front of beside your head.
  2. My sister is hiding above behind below in front of beside the door.
  3. We went to a beach above behind below in front of beside the lake.
  4. Never say this phrase above behind below in front of beside the kids!
  5. The temperature in Antarctica is usually above behind below in front of beside zero.
  6. Sally spends a lot of time above behind below in front of beside the mirror.


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    Вероника, родитель
    Занимается Миша, 2 класс
    английский язык
    Делаем вместе с сыном бесплатные задания по английскому в Skysmart, это оказалось полезно не только для него, но и для меня. Например, вспомнила, как использовать артикли, — эта тема для меня всегда была сложноватой. Хотелось бы побольше заданий на аудирование, пока у сына этот навык хромает.
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    Стас, ученик
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    Я занимаюсь в Skysmart с 3‑го класса, и немного удивился, когда нашел раздел с бесплатными заданиями здесь. Они отличаются от тех, которые мы проходим на уроках, но тоже интерактивные. По-моему, на компьютере делать упражнения получается быстрее и интереснее, чем в тетрадке.
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    Катя, ученик
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    Наткнулась на этот сайт, когда готовилась к ВПР по английскому. Пассивный залог — моя больная тема, но бесплатные задания помогли вспомнить правила, а потом еще статью почитала, и работу написала в итоге хорошо.

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