Choose the right grammatical form in each gap to complete the text

Hi, I'm Sarah. I'm 12 years old. I have a sister. My sister's sisters' sister sister' name is Lilly. She 's ' s' 'is 11 years old. We live in one room. We 's 've ' s' got many things in our room. There is a table, a bookcase with a lot of books, a wardrobe for our clothes, two beds and two chairs. My chair is red and Lilly Lilly' Lilly's Lillys' chair is blue. Our beds are brown. We haven't got any toy toy's toys toys' like dolls, balls or building blocks. Such toys are only for children.

Write the answers

Look at the table and complete the text. Use the words from the list.

Liz children Liz and Ron Ron.

These are children's toys.

The teddy bear and the duck are Liz's toys. The car and the plane are Ron's toys. The ball and the robot are Liz and Ron'sRon and Liz's toys.

Сomplete the sentences with the correct forms of the words
  1. Sarah's sister's name is Lilly.
  2. The girls' room is big.
  3. Sarah and Lilly's table is for studying.
  4. Sarah's chair is red, and Lilly's chair is blue.
  5. Sarah and Lilly's beds are brown.
  6. There are no children's toys in the room.
Read and match the people's portraits with their names

My name is Liz. This is my family. My grandparents' names are John and Mary. John and Mary's children are Jane and Peter. Jane is my mother and Peter is my uncle. His wife's name is Rose. They have got two children. Their children's names are Tim and Kate. My father's name is Tom and my brother's name is Ron.

John Mary Tom Jane Peter Rose Ron Tim Kate


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    Делаем вместе с сыном бесплатные задания по английскому в Skysmart, это оказалось полезно не только для него, но и для меня. Например, вспомнила, как использовать артикли, — эта тема для меня всегда была сложноватой. Хотелось бы побольше заданий на аудирование, пока у сына этот навык хромает.
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