The activity of betting money, for example in a game or on a horse race. BriberyPickpocketingGambling.
The crime of cheating somebody in order to get money or goods illegally.BlackmailFraudMugging.
Malicious burning to destroy someone's property.BurglaryArsonFraud.
The unlawful act of capturing and carrying away a person against their will and holding them in false imprisonment.PickpocketingBriberyKidnapping.
The crime of giving money or presents to someone so that they will help you by doing something dishonest or illegal.BriberyGamblingMugging.
The crime of making someone do something by threatening to tell people embarrassing secrets about them.KidnappingBlackmailPickpocketing.
The crime of stealing things out of people's pockets or bags, especially in a crowd.PickpocketingArsonBurglary.
The crime of illegally entering a building and stealing things.PickpocketingBurglaryMugging.
Assault with intent to rob.BriberyBurglaryMugging.
Choose the correct images
Choose the pictures that are labelled correctly.
GamblingFraudArsonKidnappingBriberyBlackmailMuggingBurglaryPickpocketingThe image 1, is a derivative of "Женщина руки связаны с веревкой" by Rawpixel on Envato Elements.The image 2, is a derivative of "reading the lines hand in a man's hands" by simbiothy on Envato Elements.The image 3, is a derivative of "Автомобиль горит с открытым пламенем и закатом в фоновом режиме" by andrisbarbans on Envato Elements.The image 4, is a derivative of "автокатастрофа, авария зимой скользкая дорога" by linux87 on Envato Elements.The image 5, is a derivative of "Замять деньги за взяточничество, чтобы ввести бизнес коррупцию" by stevanovicigor on Envato Elements.The image 6, is a derivative of "Съемки" by twenty20photos on Envato Elements.The image 7, is a derivative of "Карманный вор кража бумажник из женской сумочки" by Prostock-studio on Envato Elements.The image 8, is a derivative of "Компьютерный хакер ломает программное обеспечение" by AnnaStills on Envato Elements.The image 9, is a derivative of "грабитель в толстовке крадет сумочку у шокированной молодой женщины " by LightFieldStudios on Envato Elements.
Put the elements into the gaps
Complete the sentences. There are extra words you don't need to use.
He was driving back in deadly haste and occasionally broke the .
Joey was charged with vandalism and now has to do .
The suspects will remain .
Conor Johnson was sentenced to for the murder.
A famous politician is suspected of accepting during the last election campaign.
Derek got a 3-year against his ex-girlfriend who had been stalking him.
Choose the correct options
Are you accusing me withfromofoffbytofor something?
What was he arrested withfromofbyundertofor?
The company's ex-president was charged withfromofoffbyunderto accepting bribes to approve some construction works.
The man was found guilty and sentenced withfromofoffbytofor three years' imprisonment.
Max hopes to get fromofoffbyundertofor with a warning for breaking the speed limit.
The detective examined the desk and the glass forwithfromofoffbyto fingerprints but found nothing.
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