Complete the sentences with the correct forms of the given verbs in Past Continuous

Bob fell down while he was skating .

Where were the children hiding at 3 o'clock yesterday?

Sally saw a friend while she was riding a bike.

We were at school when our mum was cooking dinner.

Were they reading fairy tales two hours last night?

She wasn't planningwas not planning a party.

The image 1 is a derivative of "Катание на коньках в зимний день" by AnnaStills on Envato Elements The image 2 is a derivative of "ребенок играет в прятки скрывает лицо" by ababaka on Envato Elements The image 3 is a derivative of "Мальчик на скейтборде и девочка с велосипедом пересекают улицу" by bialasiewicz on Envato Elements The image 4 is a derivative of "Женщина замешивает тесто" by bialasiewicz on Envato Elements The image 6 is a derivative of "Танцы с друзьями на дне рождения" by gpointstudio on Envato Elements
Put all sentences in negative forms

I was playing football — I wasn't playing football.

  1. We were having lunch when the rain started. — We were notweren't having lunch when the rain started.
  2. Did you work yesterday? Did notDidn't you work yesterday?
  3. My father had already gone to cut the grass. — My father hadn'thad not already gone to cut the grass.
  4. Our daughter had graduated from the university yet. — Our daughter hadn'thad not graduated from the university yet.
  5. I made two mistakes in the test. — I did not makedidn't make two mistakes in the test.
  6. Were you celebrating your birthday? Weren'tWere not you celebrating your birthday?
Choose the right tense for each signal word at 2 o'clock yesterday when while already just ever yet lately recently before last night last year yesterday years ago in 1999 the other day Past Continuous Past Perfect Past Simple
Read the text and fill in the gaps with the correct form of the given words

Every year millions of tourists come to Egypt to see one of the 7th Wonders of the World: the Great Pyramid of Giza. It's the only one of the Seven Wonders of the Ancient World which is still standing.

Ancient Egyptians believed that the Sphinx guarded the entrance to the Pyramid Valley. Actually, they choose a mountain to pick Sphinx. They were working days and nights under the burning sun. Some of the workers could die because of hard work and hunger. It was forbidden to come down from the mountain while they were constructing the Sphinx. It was one of the largest and oldest statues in Ancient Egypt. But we still don't know who the Sphinx is. In our days we can see the whole Sphinx's body, its face and even legs. However, many years ago the Sphinx lost its nose. During the ages, there were many theories. Maybe Napoleon destroyed its nose in one of his Egyptian expeditions or probably, it was ruined in a heavy sandstorm. In the 18th century people thought that the aliens took the nose as a souvenir. Who knows, maybe we'll find the Sphinx's nose on Mars?


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    Вероника, родитель
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    Делаем вместе с сыном бесплатные задания по английскому в Skysmart, это оказалось полезно не только для него, но и для меня. Например, вспомнила, как использовать артикли, — эта тема для меня всегда была сложноватой. Хотелось бы побольше заданий на аудирование, пока у сына этот навык хромает.
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    Я занимаюсь в Skysmart с 3‑го класса, и немного удивился, когда нашел раздел с бесплатными заданиями здесь. Они отличаются от тех, которые мы проходим на уроках, но тоже интерактивные. По-моему, на компьютере делать упражнения получается быстрее и интереснее, чем в тетрадке.
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    Наткнулась на этот сайт, когда готовилась к ВПР по английскому. Пассивный залог — моя больная тема, но бесплатные задания помогли вспомнить правила, а потом еще статью почитала, и работу написала в итоге хорошо.
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