Put the elements into the gaps Russia Spain Canada Great Britain The USA France China Japan Germany The image 1 is a derivative of "Russia flag depicted in bright paint colors on old relief plastering wall close up", the image 3 is a derivative of "Canada flag depicted in bright paint colors on old relief plastering wall close up", the image 4 is a derivative of "British Union Jack", the image 6 is a derivative of "French Flag", the image 7 is a derivative of "China flag is depicted on a sports cloth fabric with many folds. Sport team waving banner" and the image 8 is a derivative of "Flag of Japan" by twenty20photos on Envato Elements. The image 2 is a derivative of "Spanish flag waving symbol of spain", the image 5 is a derivative of "US flag flat USA" and the image 9 is a derivative of "German flag waving symbol of Germany" by martinholverda on Envato Elements.
Match the elements UnVzc2lh UnVzc2lhbg== RnJhbmNl RnJlbmNo R2VybWFueQ== R2VybWFu R3JlYXQgQnJpdGFpbg== QnJpdGlzaA== SmFwYW4= SmFwYW5lc2U= Q2hpbmE= Q2hpbmVzZQ== dGhlIFVTQQ== QW1lcmljYW4= Q2FuYWRh Q2FuYWRpYW4= U3BhaW4= U3BhbmlzaA==
Match the elements aW5kaWFuIHN1bW1lcg== 0LHQsNCx0YzQtSDQu9C10YLQvg== aXQncyBhbGwgR3JlZWsgdG8gbWU= 0LrQuNGC0LDQudGB0LrQsNGPINCz0YDQsNC80L7RgtCw ZnJlbmNoIGxlYXZl 0YPQudGC0Lgg0L3QtSDQv9C+0L/RgNC+0YnQsNCy0YjQuNGB0Yw= RWFzdCBvciB3ZXN0LCBob21lIGlzIGJlc3Qu 0JIg0LPQvtGB0YLRj9GFINGF0L7RgNC+0YjQviwg0LAg0LTQvtC80LAg0LvRg9GH0YjQtS4= Y2hpbmVzZSB3aGlzcGVycw== 0LjRgdC/0L7RgNGH0LXQvdC90YvQuSDRgtC10LvQtdGE0L7QvQ==
Match the elements and the dots in the picture North South East West Northwest Northeast Southeast Southwest The image is a derivative of "Old-fashioned compass" by Pineapple_Studio on Envato Elements.
Choose the correct options

The official name of our country is the Russian Federation. It is situated between Europe and Asia. There are 22 republics, 46 regions and three major cities in it. Russia is a beautiful country with many rivers, lakes and mountains.

In the north In the south In the east In the west of Russia it is very cold. There is almost no summer, and the sky is always grey. Winters usually last for nine months. Murmansk region and Karelia republic can give you a cool welcome.

Krasnodar region and the Black Sea are situated in the east in the west in the south in the north of our country. Here the weather is usually warm, and in summer it is very hot. Anapa, a resort town, is a place with the biggest number of sunny days during the year.

Vladivostok is in the north in the south in the east in the west of Russia. It is said to be the capital of the Russian Far East. The region is rich in different natural resources. People go fishing and hunting in summer and in winter. The weather depends on the season.

The most distant place in Russia is the Kaliningrad region. It is separated from the most of Russia. Kaliningrad is in the north in the south in the east in the west , close to the Baltic Sea. Many people come here to admire picturesque views of the sea with its sandy dunes.


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    Вероника, родитель
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    Делаем вместе с сыном бесплатные задания по английскому в Skysmart, это оказалось полезно не только для него, но и для меня. Например, вспомнила, как использовать артикли, — эта тема для меня всегда была сложноватой. Хотелось бы побольше заданий на аудирование, пока у сына этот навык хромает.
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    Я занимаюсь в Skysmart с 3‑го класса, и немного удивился, когда нашел раздел с бесплатными заданиями здесь. Они отличаются от тех, которые мы проходим на уроках, но тоже интерактивные. По-моему, на компьютере делать упражнения получается быстрее и интереснее, чем в тетрадке.
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    Наткнулась на этот сайт, когда готовилась к ВПР по английскому. Пассивный залог — моя больная тема, но бесплатные задания помогли вспомнить правила, а потом еще статью почитала, и работу написала в итоге хорошо.

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