Match the colours and the words Red Blue Yellow Green Black White Brown Grey Pink Orange Purple Violet Image 1 is a derivative of "Red heart on red background", the image 3 is a derivative of "Yellow lemon fruit on yellow background", and the image 9 is a derivative of "Pink donut and pink straws" by jirkaejc on Envato Elements Image 2 is a derivative of "Blue satin texture background with waves and crease" by tenkende on Envato Elements Image 4 is a derivative of "Close-up pattern green leaf" by Studio_OMG on Envato Elements Image 5 is a derivative of "Black olives in black clay pot, on black wooden" by Jultud on Envato Elements Image 6 is a derivative of "White dripping paint on white surface" by LightFieldStudios on Envato Elements. Image 7 is a derivative of "Brown Beans" by DennisJacobsen on Envato Elements Image 8 is a derivative of "Gray kitten sleep in gray clouth" by byrdyak on Envato Elements Image 10 is a derivative of "Oranges-PDPSLAG" by viledevil on Envato Elements Image 11 is a derivative of "Purple roses" by Edalin on Envato Elements. Image 12 is a derivative of "Violet flowers background" by duskbabe on Envato Elements
Match the colours and the dots in the picture Purple Blue Yellow Orange Pink Green The image is a derivative of "Colorful" by twenty20photos on Envato Elements.
Choose the correct images The grass is grey. The sea is blue. The candies are orange. The coffee is brown. The dog is black and brown. The roses are red. Her dress is grey. The balls are white, yellow and green. The car is red. The image 1 is a derivative of "Fresh grass" by goinyk on Envato Elements. The image 2 is a derivative of "Sea", and the image 4 is a derivative of "Brown coffee bean" by leungchopan on Envato Elements. The image 3 is a derivative of "Focus on yellow chocolate candy against heaps of orange candies" by ThamKC on Envato Elements. The image 5 is a derivative of "Black and white dog on a grass field 'smiling' from below" by rubenchase on Envato Elements. The image 6 is a derivative of "Red roses" by NomadSoul1 on Envato Elements. The image 7 is a derivative of "Little Girl Dressed As An Angel" by FiledIMAGE on Envato Elements. The image 8 is a derivative of "Volleyballs", and the image 9 is a derivative of "Red Car" by Rawpixel on Envato Elements.
Drag the words


These children are having a costume party. Tim has got a shirt. Nora has got a T-shirt and hair. Lily has got a nice dress with bats. Look at Tim! His face is too! Sally is a pumpkin, she has got an T-shirt and her hair is ! What a cool party!

The image is a derivative of "Children playing in costume at Halloween party" by gpointstudio on Envato Elements.


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    Вероника, родитель
    Занимается Миша, 2 класс
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    Делаем вместе с сыном бесплатные задания по английскому в Skysmart, это оказалось полезно не только для него, но и для меня. Например, вспомнила, как использовать артикли, — эта тема для меня всегда была сложноватой. Хотелось бы побольше заданий на аудирование, пока у сына этот навык хромает.
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    Стас, ученик
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    Я занимаюсь в Skysmart с 3‑го класса, и немного удивился, когда нашел раздел с бесплатными заданиями здесь. Они отличаются от тех, которые мы проходим на уроках, но тоже интерактивные. По-моему, на компьютере делать упражнения получается быстрее и интереснее, чем в тетрадке.
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    Катя, ученик
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    Наткнулась на этот сайт, когда готовилась к ВПР по английскому. Пассивный залог — моя больная тема, но бесплатные задания помогли вспомнить правила, а потом еще статью почитала, и работу написала в итоге хорошо.
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